Business Directory
Auto Repair & Service
Auto Sales
Auto Sales & Service
Billie's Skyline Tavern and Grill
(859) 441-6713
430 John's Hill Rd.
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
Bedding and Furniture Stores
Subway - Martha Lane Collins Blvd
(859) 781-7007
38 Martha Lane Collins Blvd
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
Child Care
Chiropractic Services
St. Joseph Catholic Church and Grade School
(Chu) rch-8594
4011 Alexandria Pike
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
City Offices
City of Cold Spring Municipal Building
(859) 441-4640
5694 East Alexandria
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
Coffee & Cafes!
College and Universities
Computer and Laptop Sales and Services
Electrical Contracting
Event Center
Event Centers
Financial Advisors
Furniture Dealers
Heating and Air Conditioning
Peak Heating, Air & Geothermal
(KY-859) 635-8899
2043 Alexandria Pike
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
Historic Landmark
The Campbell County Historical and Geneology Society
(859) 635-6407
8352 East Main St.
Alexandria, Kentucky 41001
Home Improvement
Ice Cream Parlor
A. P. Schweitzer Tax Service & Insurance
(859) 635-5737
4135 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
State Farm Insurance - Garrick Straub, Agent
(859) 442-7342
4135 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
Investment Services
State Farm Insurance - Garrick Straub, Agent
(859) 442-7342
4135 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
Lawn and Garden Supplies
Lumber Yards
Medical Care
National Prosthetics and Orthotics Office
(859) 442-0400
4200 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
Non Profit
The Campbell County Historical and Geneology Society
(859) 635-6407
8352 East Main St.
Alexandria, Kentucky 41001
Parks and Recreation
Promotional Services
Prosthetics and Orthotics
National Prosthetics and Orthotics Office
(859) 442-0400
4200 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
Public Buildings
The Campbell County Historical and Geneology Society
(859) 635-6407
8352 East Main St.
Alexandria, Kentucky 41001
Real Estate
Jim and Milissa Schack, RE/MAX Affiliates
(859) 448-0700
2893 Alexandria Pike
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
Jim and Milissa Schack, RE/MAX Affiliates
(859) 448-0700
2893 Alexandria Pike
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
Reggie Senger - Realtor, Ken Perry Realty
(859) 653-6506
4135 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
Billie's Skyline Tavern and Grill
(859) 441-6713
430 John's Hill Rd.
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
Skiline Chili - Highland Heights
(859) 572-9500
199 Martha Lane Collins Blvd.
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
Subway - Martha Lane Collins Blvd
(859) 781-7007
38 Martha Lane Collins Blvd
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076
St. Joseph Catholic Church and Grade School
(Chu) rch-8594
4011 Alexandria Pike
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
Service Providers!
Tax Services
A. P. Schweitzer Tax Service & Insurance
(859) 635-5737
4135 Alexandria Pike
Cold Spring, Kentucky 41076